Enter to win tickets to posit::conf(2025)
Contest Prizes
Join the fun and take part in the conf::contest! Complete a couple short tasks, answer a few quiz questions, and get entered to win one of the following prizes:
First prize (1 winner)
• One complimentary ticket and workshop pass to posit::conf(2025)*
Second & third prizes listed below
Second prize (5 winners)
• Posit parcel delivered to your door, full of Posit branded goodies and hex stickers
Third prize (10 winners)
• A signed book from Hadley Wickham delivered to your doorstep
Only one application per person will be accepted and counted towards the prize draw.
*posit::conf(2025) dates and location will be announced during the closing keynote session at posit::conf(2024).

Learn more about posit::conf
Frequently Asked Questions
Where is the event portal?
Please find it here:
How do I access the Discord server?
After you sign into the event portal, there is an image that invites you to click on it to join Discord.
How do I get Discord help?
Please find the troubleshooting guide here. For additional help, please email