Even though I’ve completed 4 marathons, you certainly shouldn’t come to me for a training plan on how to achieve your goals for any race you’re about to run. So why do we often turn to “experienced R users” to help us learn R or train an organization? The RStudio certified trainers have been taught modern, evidence-based teaching practices which they use in planning training sessions in order to help delegates achieve THEIR learning goals effectively in a given time-frame. My talk will illustrate some of these teaching concepts and how, by becoming a certified trainer, you can help others learn about R more effectively.
A 5 minute presentation in our Lightning Talks series

I am a keen advocate of smarter drug development with a particular interest in Bayesian methods, dose-response, reproducible research and knowledge management. My particular expertise is in the use of simulation methodology to predict drug outcomes, find efficient trial designs, assess decision criteria and evaluate analysis methodologies.