For the Medical Marijuana industry, enterprise software is often unviable because most terms of service prohibit violating Federal law. Open-source software like R and Shiny provide an oppurtunity to build enterprise quality applications without terms of service restrictions.
At CannaData Solutions, we use Shiny to build an enterprise quality point-of-sales, inventory and patient management applications for the Medical Marijuana industry. We will discuss:
- Using HTML templates
- Integrating form validation Javascript libraries like parsley.js and Cleave.js into Shiny
- Using R packages and modules to organize complex collections of Shiny applications
- Securely deploying Shiny applications in the AWS Virtual Private Cloud
- Effectively explaining your Shiny app to new users with rintrojs [@ganz]
- Writing documentation with bookdown [@bookdown]

Carl provides Cannabis businesses with data-driven compliance solutions. He enjoys programming with Shiny, and complex survey design. In the past, he worked at the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, and attended the University of Colorado Boulder, and California State University Northridge.