R has changed a lot since the meetup was founded 10 years ago. Back then we were using base graphics (or lattice) and the apply family of functions and we didn’t have pipes. At the time there was an impressive 1800 packages on CRAN, now there are over 15,000 extending R’s reach far beyond its traditional domain of statistics and machine learning into publishing, website building and video generation. The community has grown and changed dramatically during that time, with the New York meetup alone going from 25 to over 10,000 members. During this talk we go through a then-and-now of R code and community to palpably see how everything has changed.

In addition to his role at Lander Analytics, Jared P. Lander is the Organizer of the New York Open Statistical Programming Meetup and the New York & Washington DC R Conferences and an Adjunct Professor at Columbia Business School. With a master's from Columbia University in statistics and a bachelor's from Muhlenberg College in mathematics, he has experience in both academic research and industry. He is the author of R for Everyone, a book about R Programming geared toward Data Scientists and Non-Statisticians. His writings on statistics can be found at jaredlander.com.