This presentation covers the basics of how `bslib` + `thematic` can be used to consistently style all the components of a shiny app at once.
Learn more about rstudio::global(2021) X-Sessions.
Thank you to Appsilon for sponsoring the Mastering Shiny: from Development to Deployment X-Session.

Tom Mock is a Product Manager at Posit, overseeing the Posit Workbench and RStudio team. He fell in love with R and data science through his graduate research, using R and RStudio to wrangle, analyze, model, and visualize my data. He became passionate about growing the R community and founded #TidyTuesday to help newcomers and seasoned vets improve their Tidyverse skills.

Shannon is on RStudio’s Customer Success team working with teams across the Life Sciences and Healthcare. In her free time, she likes to bake, hang out with her dogs, and explore new hobbies.