Manage your database connections from Posit Cloud

Posit Cloud logo surrounded by logos of various database drivers.

Data analysis is more fun with good data. 

Thankfully, companies have spent years investing in systems where data is stored and updated more frequently than ever before.

Analysts and data scientists increasingly rely on these databases to efficiently extract relevant information, perform analysis, and automate workflows to put reports and applications into production.  

Posit Cloud, our online platform to do and share data science in just a few clicks, now makes it simple for multiple people and projects to access external databases with Data Connections.

Data Connections in Posit Cloud rely on professional database drivers that simplify connecting to standard sources such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLServer and custom solutions such as Snowflake and Salesforce.

In this post, I walk through an example of managing your database connections from Posit Cloud. Watch the walkthrough and read more below:


A working example

Let’s test it out with a publicly available PostgreSQL database from RNAcentral that contains genetics data.

To get started, register for a free Posit Cloud account. On the left-hand side, create a new space. Then, click the Data tab from the top of the space.

Selected Data tab in a Posit Cloud space.

We’ll test the new feature with a publicly available PostgreSQL database from RNAcentral that contains genetics data.

Add Connection prompts you to name a new connection and select the specific database driver for where your data is stored. Add the connection detail for RNAcentral (found in the link above), and Posit Cloud will securely store your credentials for use across any data project within a space.

New Connection pane in Posit Cloud, with RNAcentral as the connection name, PostgeSQL as the driver, and user, password, server, port, and database filled out.

The next step is to launch a new or existing RStudio IDE project in your space. Then, navigate to the Connections tab in your Environment pane.

Connections tab in the RStudio Environment pane.

When you click New Connection in the Connections tab, you’re able to access the information you stored in the RNAcentral Data Connection.

New connection window allowing you to connect to an existing data source, with RNAcentral as an option

The generated connection string shows that your database password is stored as an environment variable named CONNECTION_RNACENTRAL_PASSWORD. You can run the code in the console to make the connection or include it in an R script where the password will not be stored.

RNAcentral connection with the code to make the connection provided in the window.

Testing the credentials confirms if the connection information you stored is valid.

Test Results window, with text: "Success! The given parameters can be used to connect and disconnect correctly."

We look good to go.

After a live connection is made, the Connections tab now reveals the database schema and tables available. 

The Connections tab displaying the pfmegrnargs schema and its various tables: database, embassy_rw, expunge, k8rnaprd, and mail.

The schema rnacen has an important table named rna. We can use the dbplyr library to return the top 200 records.


# note: if you choose to connect from an R Script,
# this code snippet will automatically be added.
con <- dbConnect(odbc::odbc(), 
                 Driver = "postgresql", 
                 Server = "", 
                 Port = "5432", 
                 Database = "pfmegrnargs", 
                 UID = "reader", 
                 PWD = Sys.getenv('CONNECTION_RNACENTRAL_PASSWORD'), 
                 BoolsAsChar = "", 
                 timeout = 10)

results <- tbl(con, in_schema("rnacen", "rna")) %>% 
  head(200) %>% 

Digging into the results data frame reveals a numeric variable named len. From here, you can start exploring and quickly uncover the bimodal distribution of RNA length among these records.

ggplot(results, aes(x = len)) + 
  geom_histogram(fill = "#447099", color = "black") +
  labs(title = "Distribution of RNA Length", y = NULL, x = NULL) +

Barplot with title "Distribution of RNA Length" displaying a bimodal distribution. The first peak is when the x-axis is around 250 peaking where the y-axis is more than 10 and less than 15, and the second peak is when the x-axis is around 1300 and the y-axis is around 45.

When you are done working with the database, you can close it via the Connections tab icon or by running dbDisconnect(con)

After disconnecting from the database, the connection remains stored for the next time you want to work with the dataset.

The same connection code as before showing up in the Connections tab of the Environments pane.

It’s as simple as that. Connect to your database. Do the work you need to do. Come back at any time.


Other benefits

Data Connections in Posit Cloud are shareable across new and existing projects within a space. You and your collaborators no longer need to set up the same database connections in each project.

These connections can also be copied from one space to another from the Data Connections tab.

Copy Connections window in the Data tab of a Posit Cloud space showing that you can copy the rnacentral connection to a new project.

Finally, if your credentials change for a specific database, simply update the Data Connection. The connection details will automatically be changed when a project is reloaded or created.

You can sign up for a free Posit Cloud account and learn more about the data connections in our user guide