Shiny Server

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Shiny Server

Open Source Edition

Deploy Shiny applications to the Web

Deploy Shiny applications behind firewalls

Posit Connect

Commercial License (not AGPL)

Posit Support

Push-button publishing from RStudio IDE

Deploy and access Shiny apps, dashboards, R Markdown reports, static plots, and APIs in one place

Deploy and access Python-based content, including Flask, Dash, Streamlit and Bokeh

Scheduled updates and distribution of reports

Self-managed content - see and manage what you’ve published or can access from others

Self-managed content - see and manage what you’ve published or can access from others

Password protect applications

Deploy Shiny applications behind firewalls

Controlled access via SSL and LDAP, Active Directory, Google OAuth, PAM, proxied authentication, or passwords

Scale applications across multiple R processes

Persistent R processes for faster load times

Performance and resource metrics

Health check endpoint

Commercial License (not AGPL)

Posit Support

Deploy Shiny applications to the Web

Push-button publishing from RStudio IDE

Self-managed content - see and manage what you’ve published or can access from others (Publishers Only)

Password protect applications (* For plans that include authentication, your application users must have a Google, Github or a account)

Scale applications across multiple R processes

Performance and resource metrics