Jessa Hospital, the second largest hospital in Limburg (a Province in Belgium), uses the BALLETT application. The application is a development of the hospital and collects patient data within an oncology programme. Thanks to AXI’s implementation of the Posit Connect platform, the hospital can now share the data securely and easily with all colleagues involved.
Oncology research
Out of a strong engagement towards its patients and the drive for permanent improvement, Jessa Hospital cooperated in the BALLETT study (Belgian Approach of Local Laboratory Extensive Tumor Testing), a project in which a total of thirteen different Belgian hospitals are participating. The aim of the study is to investigate the added value of comprehensive tumor testing (Comprehensive Genomic Profiling or CGP) in the allocation of appropriate treatment in cancer patients. CGP focuses on finding small genetic mutations and larger genetic variants in about five hundred genes along with some other tumor-related genetic parameters. Depending on the results of this research, a patient may qualify for a particular treatment.
The results of the research and the resulting recommendations for a particular therapy are discussed weekly in the Molecular Tumor Board consisting of experts from various disciplines. To make these meetings run smoothly, Jessa Hospital needed a way to have a patient’s data available quickly and easily, as well as a way to share the data in a safe and clear manner.
Follow-up of patients with BALLETT application
Jessa hospital developed the BALLETT application. The app clearly displays the most important data per patient in a number of tabs for easy consultation. A report per patient can also be downloaded and e-mailed to the responsible doctor. In addition, the app also shows more general statistics (across all patients) of the study data. The app pulls in the data from Castor, an external electronic data capture (EDC) system.
Modular Posit Connect platform for greater insight
In order to clearly display the data collected by the BALLETT application and to share it with the doctors involved, Jessa Hospital relied on AXI. AXI installed Posit Connect, formerly known as RStudio Connect. The hospital can now effortlessly share the app and reports with all important stakeholders and data is conveniently displayed.

AXI & Posit
AXI is Posit’s first Full Service Certified Partner in Belgium and the Netherlands, offering Posit open source and enterprise data science solutions and services.
A successful commissioning
The AXI team provided training, implementation, management, and development. “Jessa Hospital is enthusiastic,” says Thomas Michem. “They are satisfied that they can share their content in a professional and secure way.”
About the Jessa Hospital
Jessa Hospital, the second largest hospital in Limburg, has 981 beds and 280 day beds, spread across four campuses: campus Virga Jesse, campus Salvator and the logistics campuses Ekkelgaarden in Hasselt and campus St.-Ursula in Herk-de-Stad. This places the hospital among the 5 largest non-university hospitals in Flanders. With more than 360 doctors & doctors’ specialists in training and 3130 employees, Jessa is also one of the largest employers in Limburg.