Novo Nordisk: Journey to an R-based FDA submission

Man looking at data visualizations on two monitors

Novo Nordisk, a leading pharmaceutical company in diabetes, obesity, and other chronic diseases, detailed their first FDA submission package featuring outputs exclusively written in R in a live presentation. 

In their presentation Ari Siggaard Knoph (MSc), Steffen Falgreen Larsen (MSc, PhD), and Anders Ellern Bilgrau (MSc, PhD) share:

  • An in-depth look at Novo Nordisk’s computing platform supporting both R and Python
  • Their process, setup, and journey to achieving their infrastructure
  • Challenges they faced and how they overcame them
  • How the team plans to innovate and what the future holds

Using Posit Team in their statistical computing environment shown below, Novo Nordisk is helping pave the way and changing how clinical trial reporting is done. 

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