posit::conf() call for talks deadline extended!

We’ve extended the deadline for the posit::conf(2024) call for talks to February 19!
Call for talks
What do we want to hear about?
- How you’ve used R or Python to solve a challenging problem.
- Projects and teams where R and Python live together in harmony.
- Your favorite R or Python package and how it makes life easier or unlocks new capabilities.
- Your techniques for teaching data science to help reach new domains and new audiences.
- Your broad reflections on data science, packages, code, and/or community.
- Anything else you think the Posit community would love to hear about!
You can see the talks from last year on our YouTube playlist.
What does a talk look like?
Talks are 20 minutes long and can be either live and in-person or pre-recorded and remote. If you’re interested in giving a pre-recorded talk, it doesn’t need to be in English. We know we won’t be able to accept all the wonderful talks you submit, so we will also include a couple of sessions of lightning talks. These 5-minute talks are drawn from the main pool of talk proposals, i.e., there is no separate application process.
Why give a talk?
- All speakers will receive coaching from Articulation Inc. Speakers for posit::conf(2023) found the coaching both fun and very worthwhile; it’s a great opportunity to polish your speaking skills while getting to know the other speakers.
- You’ll get free registration for the conference.
- We have some travel support available for those who need it.
How do I submit?
To submit a talk, you’ll need to create a 60-second video that introduces you and your proposed topic. In the video, you should tell us who you are, why your topic is important, and what attendees will take away from it. If you’re worried about creating a video, Rachael Dempsey put together a LinkedIn post with a bunch of advice. An easy way to create your video is to just meet with yourself and record it. Don’t stress out about the production value; the most important thing is to get your idea and enthusiasm across.
If you’re interested, please submit a proposal at pos.it/conf-talks-2024. Applications close at midnight on February 19, anywhere on Earth.