Jason Foster

Featured in this episode

I'm a data science educator and community builder who wants to help you cultivate a community of practice for yourself. I talk a lot about the benefits of making genuine human connections, the power of vulnerability, and why we all benefit when we show up as our whole selves. I'm also the host of the Data Humans podcast where my motto is: data science is not one thing.

Jason Foster is a director at Marathon Asset Management and risk manager for multi-asset credit portfolios in New York. Previously, he worked as a risk manager on flagship portfolios at BlackRock, ranging from multi-sector fixed-income to multi-strategy hedge funds. He is the author of the 'roll' package on CRAN, which provides fast and efficient computation of rolling and expanding statistics for time-series data. Mr. Foster earned bachelor's degrees in mathematics and finance from Seattle University and a master's degree in financial engineering from Cornell University.