Marco Gorelli

Featured in this episode

I'm a data science educator and community builder who wants to help you cultivate a community of practice for yourself. I talk a lot about the benefits of making genuine human connections, the power of vulnerability, and why we all benefit when we show up as our whole selves. I'm also the host of the Data Humans podcast where my motto is: data science is not one thing.

Marco is a core dev of pandas and Polars and author of Narwhals. He's spoken at several Python conferences, taught Polars professionally, and written the first complete Polars plugins tutorial. He currently works as Senior Software Engineer at Quansight Labs. Before getting involved in open source software, he worked in data science and was one of the prize winners of the M6 forecasting competition. He's an advocate for making it more accessible to contribute to open source software and has run several mentored sprints, aimed both at the general public and at underrepresented groups in tech.