Cloud products
Enable your cloud strategy
Choose your cloud approach based on your needs
Posit supports your data science cloud strategy. Depending on the circumstances of your organization and what specific challenges you are trying to address, there are multiple cloud options to consider.
Posit Hosted
Minimize cost and startup time

Connect Cloud
Easily share your Python and R data applications and documents in a cloud environment.

Posit Cloud
Analyze data, share projects, and teach classes and workshops with Posit Cloud.
Share Shiny applications with

Public Package Manager
Manage packages with Posit Public Package Manager, a free service to provide easy installation of package binaries, and access to previous package versions.
Cloud Marketplace Offerings
Simplify startup and streamline purchasing

AWS Marketplace
Purchase subscriptions to Posit products on the AWS Marketplace, in monthly or annual increments.

Azure Marketplace
Purchase subscriptions to Posit Workbench and Posit Connect on the Azure Marketplace, in hourly or monthly increments.

Google Cloud Platform
Purchase subscriptions to Posit Workbench and Posit Connect on GCP in monthly increments.
Managed Cloud Services
Offload maintenance and administration

Amazon SageMaker
Use Posit’s professional products with the power of Amazon SageMaker. Combine Posit's toolchain with on-demand compute resources from AWS.

Use Posit Workbench in conjunction with your Azure data sources and other Azure Machine Learning capabilities to access, develop, and analyze results.
More resources
Read the blog post, "Where does RStudio [now Posit] fit into your Cloud Journey"
Watch the webinar, "Why Data Science in the Cloud?", co-presented with Posit partner ProCogia.
If you are interested in using Posit Cloud for teaching, watch the webinar, "Teaching R online with RStudio Cloud [now Posit Cloud]"
Deploy Posit products in a VPC using cloud formation templates for AWS. Learn more at Posit Cloud Tools.
Deploy Posit products via Docker. Learn more about Docker images for Posit Professional Products.
Posit provides Helm charts to help you manage your Kubernetes configurations.