As companies are becoming aware of the need to embrace data-driven solutions, R has gained a huge momentum over recent years. Getting the insights to users has become a very important factor of Data Scientist work. While our world has advanced there is a need to build not only web applications, but also applications on mobile that are available offline. We would like to share with you how within months we have gone from nothing to a production-ready application that handles 500 concurrent users in healthcare. There are plenty of challenges to solve including restricted environments, internal processes and users availability. We will show you how to overcome them and iterate fast, navigating through complex infrastructure and integrating with proxy architecture to serve applications to end users in compliant manner. With RStudio Connect and Plumber you can deploy a scalable REST API that can feed insights to your users. This allows you to go one step further and implement native applications for tablets and smartphones. With the right tools, mindset and priorities you can achieve personal success by introducing a digital transformation within your organization, starting with something as small as converting a business critical Excel file that is slow, difficult to edit and maintain, to a robust application. Step by step your organization will evolve and become empowered by your insights uncovering even more untapped potential.

Aymen Waqar is a Data Science Manager at Astellas Pharma US where he leads application development and advanced analytics. His primary focus is on adding value to patients and improving their lives. His team achieves this by developing algorithms, predictive analytics and embedding them into field facing mobile applications that can provide real-time actionable insights to serve our patients.