In this talk, I will introduce a suite of three packages designed to aid course material creation in R: {demoR} for displaying code in knitted R Markdown with custom highlighting and formatting; {shindig} for shortcuts to creating simple educational Shiny apps; and {curricular} for easy creation of syllabi, homework exercises, exams, etc. Together, we will explore how these new tools – in conjunction with other existing resources – have been used to create a clean and consistent ecosystem for my R-based Introductory Statistics course. I will share some metrics on student outcomes, as well as my own experiences with the advantages and challenges in building the course.
A 5-minute presentation in our Lightning Talks series

Kelly teaches at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, California, where she takes great joy in forcing statistical thought and R skills upon unsuspecting undergraduates. Her research is in clustering methods, digital humanities, and R tools for education. In her free time, she hikes and camps, plays board games, and tweets too much about R.