Technologist and Data Scientist driven to create software that people use, find useful, and pleasant. From programming through architecture, from green field to maintenance, software is interesting technologically, socially, and intellectually. I enjoy contributing to the process, either through leadership or individual effort, of creating software that is deployed joyfully and is as bug free as possible

Eric Colson is the Chief Algorithms Officer at Stitch Fix, where he specializes in social algorithms. He is also an advisor at Earnest (consumer lending), Data Elite (Big Data incubator), and Mortar Data (Big Data Platform). Previously, he was VP of Data Science & Engineering at Netflix and has held analytical positions at Yahoo!, Blue Martini, Proxicom and Information Resources. He holds a B.A. in Economics (SFSU), a M.S. in Information Systems (GGU), and a M.S. in Management Science & Engineering (Stanford).

David is the Chief Data Scientist at DataCamp, an education company for teaching data science through interactive online courses. His interests include statistics, data analysis, education, and programming in R.
David is co-author with Julia Silge of the tidytext package and the O’Reilly book Text Mining with R. He also the author of the broom, gganimate, and fuzzyjoin packages, and of the e-book Introduction to Empirical Bayes.
David previously worked as a data scientist at Stack Overflow, and received a PhD in Quantitative and Computational Biology from Princeton University.