Over the last few years, Rmarkdown seems to have taken over my life, or at least my written communication. These days I use Rmarkdown to maintain my website, write my blog, write textbooks, write academic papers, prepare slides for talks, keep my CV up-to-date, help my students write theses, prepare university policy documents, write letters, prepare exams, write reports for clients, and more. I haven’t quite got to the point of using it for shopping lists, but perhaps that’s my next Rmarkdown template. I will reflect on the journey in getting to this point, what I’ve lost and what I’ve gained. I will also speculate on what might be next in the Rmarkdownification of my life.

Rob Hyndman is Professor of Statistics and Head of the Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics at Monash University, Australia. He was Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Forecasting from 2005-2018, and is co-author of many R packages including the forecast package, and the new set of tidy time series packages including tsibble, feasts and fable. He is the author of over 150 research papers and 5 books in statistical science. In 2007, he received the Moran medal from the Australian Academy of Science for his contributions to statistical research, especially in the area of statistical forecasting. For over 30 years, Rob has maintained an active consulting practice, assisting hundreds of companies and organizations around the world. He has won awards for his research, teaching, consulting and graduate supervision.