I host a weekly R Office Hour on the R4DS Online Learning Community Slack. By doing so, I have learned more about R than I ever would have thought. Here I'll present concrete examples of how R users can participate in the R community to expand their skills. R users of all skill levels can develop their skills by helping one another learn. Committing to help people with their coding challenges leads to the exploration of answers in areas you might otherwise not examine.
A 5-minute presentation in our Lightning Talks series

Jon is the admin of the R4DS Online Learning Community, host of the Tidy Tuesday Podcast, author of the factory R package (available on CRAN), co-author of the RBERT natural language processing package, and a Senior Data Scientist at Macmillan Learning. When he's not attempting to create robot students, he tries to "pay it forward" for all the awesome help he's gotten learning R over the last few years. He hosts a weekly R office hour on the R4DS Online Learning Community Slack instance, and a weekly podcast with the goal of helping learners master R.