What You’ll Learn
With over 15,000 R packages on CRAN, over 230,000 on PyPI, and more arriving every day, the task of managing a package environment for data science in R and Python can be daunting. In this webinar, you will learn about the most current strategies and tooling for creating and maintaining a reproducible package environment. Whether you’re an individual data scientist or the administrator of an entire RStudio Team cluster, you’ll better understand how you can enhance your ability to work easily and safely with open-source data science packages.

Alex leads the Solutions Engineering and Support teams at Posit where he helps organizations get more value from open source data science. Before coming to Posit, he was a data scientist and data science manager working on healthcare, political campaigns, and economic policy.
He lives with his wife, son, and dog in Silver Spring, MD and loves landscaping, cooking, and practicing Tai Chi and Tang Soo Do in his spare time.