Supporting the advanced analytic needs of an active academic healthcare organization requires tools and practices that enhance the application of statistical and algorithmic approaches. To positively impact care, system operations, or even well-being at the community level, these tools need to support solutions that can be rapidly deployed and communicated as well as reproduced when studying longitudinal trends.
At Children’s Wisconsin, we are using R and RStudio’s suite of tools to enable forecasting, modeling, and data mining among other data science activities. We communicate the results of our efforts using interactive applications built with Shiny as well as reports and push analytics created using RMarkdown. This talk will discuss how we have developed this capability and provide a few examples of the applications that have been created to support our vision that the kids of Wisconsin will be the healthiest in the nation.

Chris Bumgardner leads the data science efforts at Children’s Wisconsin and works with teams across the health system to improve decision-making. He is focused on applying statistical methods to data sets large and small to discover and visualize insights that will help ensure Wisconsin’s kids are healthy, happy, and safe. Chris can often be found awake far too early thanks to an insubordinate rescue dog named Dutch.