With the increase in people using R for data science comes an associated increase in the number of people and organisations wanting to put models or other analytic code into "production". We often hear it said that R isn’t suitable for production workloads, but is that true? In this talk, Mark will look at some of the misinformation around the idea of what "putting something into production" actually means, as well as provide tips on overcoming the obstacles put in your path.

Mark is a Solutions Engineering Manager at RStudio, a member of the board at Data Orchard, a community interest company in the UK working primarily in the not-for-profit and public sector, as well as the founder of the R4Pi.org project.
Mark has almost 20 years experience working in the analytical computing field. During that time he has advised customers all over the world on building and managing better compute resources and is now working to nurture and grow the next generation of people fascinated with the possibilities of scientific and technical computing.