Amazon Web Services
Serious data science streamlined by AWS

Build and share insights in R and Python on Amazon Web Services
Posit Workbench includes the RStudio, Jupyter and VS Code development environments, so data scientists can use their tools of choice to develop insights and interactive applications, models and reports using R and Python frameworks like Shiny, Streamlit, RMarkdown and FastAPI. These can be easily deployed and scheduled on Posit Connect to support better decision making by all your stakeholders.

Maximize the benefits of your cloud infrastructure and reduce costs
Combine Posit’s professional products with the power of Amazon SageMaker.
Purchase Workbench on the AWS Marketplace to provide a centralized environment for open source data science development.
Purchase Connect on the AWS Marketplace to share reports, Shiny apps, or other data products.
Up your team’s data science game
• Easily access your data on Amazon Redshift, Aurora, S3 and more
• Leverage SageMaker’s deep learning capabilities
• Deploy applications, models, and scheduled reports on AWS for easy, secure sharing
• Simplify purchasing and more easily track the total cost of ownership for our professional software
• Reduce or eliminate the burden of data science infrastructure management on your IT team